スマートインテリジェンスキャンパス (メタバースキャンパス)を インターネット上に開設します。
立地・距離感を超越した学修・社交・ 相互作用の場を提供します。
スマートインテリジェンスキャンパス (メタバースキャンパス)を インターネット上に開設します。
立地・距離感を超越した学修・社交・ 相互作用の場を提供します。

SICの目指すもの Goals of SIC
Exploring the Potential of Educational DX at Musashino University E.F.
Smart Intelligence Campusプロジェクト(通称:SICプロジェクト)では、デジタル技術を活用し様々な教育サービスを提供します。
Over the past two years through various trials and errors, the possibilities of learning and working online have been greatly expanded.
The Smart Intelligence Campus project (commonly known as the SIC project) uses digital technology to provide a variety of educational services.
- Establish a campus in cyberspace as an educational environment that provides a new place for exchange and learning.
- Create an environment where students can come in touch with the various wonderful educational resources of the Musashino University Educational Foundation (hereinafter called “Foundation”) and engage in working hard with the members of “Sangha” community of the Foundation, without time restriction nor geographical constraints.
- By utilizing digital technology, we accumulate a history of dealing with every activities of each student and provide appropriate and quick feedbacks to them.
Further we aim to build an environment where we can provide personalized education to "anyone" in line with the interests, goals, understanding and abilities of each student.
- As one of the commemorative projects of the Musashino University E.F.'s 100th anniversary, we open SIC in the benchmark of 2024 and will continue to contribute to the development of the Foundation in the next 100 years and the realization of “Enhanced Learning, to the future."
メタバースキャンパス metaverse campus
―オンラインでも隣にいるかのように感じる― Feel like you're next to me, even online
学校法人武蔵野大学のメタバースキャンパスは2Dでできています。メタバースは3Dじゃないの? と思った方が多いかもしれませんが、現在の3Dは自由度の制約が多く、コストもかかります。その点、2Dはブラウザでアクセスし、PC、スマホ、タブレットなど様々なデバイスを使ってより容易に、いつでもどこからでもキャンパスにアクセスできます。
The metaverse campus of the Foundation is based on 2D. Someone might say the metaverse should be 3D? We opine that 2D can be accessed in a browser, reaching more easily to the campus from anywhere at any time, using ordinary devices, including PCs, smartphones and tablets, while 3D has still a lot of constraints of costs and applications of usage.
You can use your own avatar and move freely to talk to others or share a screen to have a meeting. You can find to whom others are talking at that time and can feel close to even avatars.
In 2024, a new campus will be built on the metaverse, and the current Musashino, Ariake, and Chiyoda campuses of the Foundation will be also reprojected on the metaverse, with the goal of the combined operation of physical and metaverse campus in the future.

Original Metaverse Campus under construction
武蔵野大学工学部長 風袋 宏幸教授の指導のもと、浅川 竜成さん(写真、2019年3月武蔵野大学工学部建築デザイン学科卒業、2021年3月武蔵野大学工学研究科建築デザイン専攻修了)を中心に、オリジナルのメタバースキャンパスをデザインしています。
The Metaverse Campus of the Foundation is designed by Mr Ryusei Asakawa (photo)(graduated from Department of Architectural Design in March 2019 and Master’s Program of Architecture in March 2021) under the direction of Professor Hiroyuki Futai, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of the Musashino University.

MUデジタルラーニングサービスプラットフォーム MU Digital Learning Service Platform
―いつでも、どこでも、好きなものを、好きなペースで― Anytime, anywhere, whatever you want, at your own pace
This is a service that aggregates video content owned by the Foundation and makes it available for viewing anytime and anywhere. We will build a video platform that can manage a variety of content and make it possible to control access rights, making it the platform for video distribution not only to students on campus but also to those outside the Foundation.
In 2024, we will start from aggregating materials for internal (on-campus) training for faculty and staff and guidance videos.
In the future, we will accumulate and mutually utilize educational content of the attendance courses (on physical campus), the distance learning courses and the lifelong recurrent learning among the Foundation.
With these contents, we will reduce the load of professors in teaching and build learning environment that can respond to the diversified needs of learning (learn more various fields, learn in line with the own speed and ability of understanding of each student, etc.). In addition, we plan to issue the Open Badge as a new digital certification in reply to the era of diversified needs of learning and visualization of learning histories.

ワンストップAIコールセンター One-stop AI call center
―将来的な、学修コンシェルジュサービスの基盤として― As a platform for future academic concierge services
By the renewal of the algorithm and process of inquiry for students (their parents) , we will try to increase their satisfaction with our responses to inquiries and reduce our burden of response at the same time.
In 2024, the chatbots will be powered by AI and the calls and the queries will be allocated to the appropriate line and staff for each subject. The history of the query and the response will also be recorded in the system, so we can confirm what kind of questions the student in front has asked before. We can proceed with the response with broader and deeper understanding of the student.
As next step for the future, we aim to create environment in the University where our academic concierge can make suggestions and advices to the students on their academic plans, such as course recommendations based on their orientation, high school activities and interview information on entrance exams, and proactive measures to prevent dropping out based on grades and attendance status. We also provide career consultations based on personalized record of academic and activity portfolios through the accumulation of various data.
The service of One-stop AI call center will be expanded to each school of the Foundation.

ステークホルダー関係性醸成のシステム導入SRM(Student Relationship Management)
―入学前から学習者との関係性を醸成します― Nurture relationships with students before admission
You are a member of “Sangha” community of the Foundation from the very moment when you show your interest in the Foundation, view our website, request materials, and visit our open campus. We will take full advantage of the power of data and introduce the system that will enable us to nurture better relationships with all members who have been touched with the Foundation at every occasions, even before admission, during school and after graduation.
In 2024, we will build new data storage system composing SRM (Student Relationship Management) for the pre-admission phase of the distance learning course of the University.
The service history of the query and the response in the aforementioned one-stop AI call center (student concierge) will be also accumulated in SRM.

―学校と学生・生徒の相互コミュニケーションをスピーディに、まずはツールの標準化ですっきり― Speedy mutual communication between school and students
2024年には、すでに学校法人武蔵野大学が保有するMicrosoft 365の「Microsoft Teams」を標準となるコミュニケーションツールと定め、コミュニケーション手段を、可能な限り統一します。
In 2024, we will define Microsoft Teams in Microsoft 365, which is already implemented by the university, as the standard communication tool between the university and students, and will unify the means of communication as much as possible.
We will also standardize the structure of teams and channels and organize the terms of use and operating methods so that the communication among students and between students and the university (faculty and staff) can be activated.
In the future, we plan to build the new portal that integrates the related systems and tools so that all activities can be started from the portal.
It will be linked with the Academic Affairs System (course registration), the Learning Management System (LMS) and SIC initiatives (Metaverse Campus, SRM).
Every knowledge and experience in the University will be reflected to any other schools of the Foundation.